Friday 23 January 2015

Painted Toast - 21.01.15

This week we painted toast for our snack! 
We used a mixture of milk with a drop of food colouring to make different colours which we painted onto our bread. When we were done Donna put it into the toaster and we waited for it to pop! 
We were quite surprised to have painted and eaten colourful toast for snack. 
We wonder what other fun we can have with food colouring?!


Sunday 11 January 2015

Shared Reading - Scottish Children's Book Awards

On Thursday during our large group time we had a visit from some of the older children in the school.

Some P4's from Mrs Harcus' class, some P5's from Ms Mackay's class and some P6's from Mrs McRae's class came down in the morning and afternoon sessions to read us some stories.

We chose the books we wanted to read and the big boys and girls read and chatted to us about them. Some more boys and girls are going to come visit us over the next couple of weeks while we continue with our participation in the Scottish Children's Book Awards.

More photos: Weeks 2  & 3