Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Special Visitors in the nursery

We have been reading the story of 'Hare and Tortoise' written by Alison Murray this week.  This story is a retold version of the traditional Aesop's Fable.  There has been a lot of discussion in nursery this week about turtles and tortoises as well as hare's and rabbits. 

We would like to thank Ryan Breck who kindly took his tortoises into nursery for us to see, hold and talk about.  Ryan took in an 8 year old Russian (or horsfield) tortoise and two 2 year old red-footed tortoises.  We all looked closely at them and asked many questions about them.  Some of us stroked them to see how their shells felt and some of us even held them.  We were surprised by how heavy they were and learned that the horsfield will grow to be the size of a dinner plate but the tiny red-footed pair will be even bigger than that!  We were fascinated to see how quickly they actually moved across the floor. Check out our photos to see how brave we were!

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