Thursday, 2 March 2017

World Book Day 2017

We have been celebrating World Book Day in Nursery Today with the children in Class 5/6. The older children read lots of the Underpants Stories to us and we had lots of ideas for making our own Underpants Story. We also got given our World Book Day tokens this week, these can be exchanged in the Orcadian Book Shop. The Nursery age books this year are:

Peppa Pig Loves World Book Day & Everyone loves Underpants by Claire Freedman

 More information about book day, resources and activities can be found at the
Photos of the Thursday Afternoon Children enjoying the underpants stories with Class 5/6
The Tiger who came to Tea.

Monsters Love Underpants
Aliens Love Underpants
Aliens Love Dinopants
Pirates Love Underpants
Dinosaurs Love Underpants

1 comment:

  1. We thoroughly enjoyed our session with you today and are looking forward to coming back next week to create our own underpants characters.
    Miss Falconer and Class 5/6
