We are still working away at developing our nursery garden using the money that the children fundraised during their daily mile just before the summer holidays.
We have had a load of mud added to our mud pit to top it up and the children have been having great fun here digging holes and rescuing trapped trucks!
We have planted up our new planters with some spring bulbs. We are excited to find out what the bulbs will turn into.
We have started creating our sensory garden by adding various plants with different scents and textures into one of our old planters.
We are hoping to plant up our herb garden next. If you have any wild flowers, herb cuttings or fantastic scented plants that are safe for the children to work with, we would appreciate any donations to the nursery. The children have been very involved in these projects and are keen to bring things they have seen at home!
We have a huge muddy puddle that returns every winter to the nursery garden which has now grown too deep to be safe for us to splash in. We have been having some discussion with the children and looking up lots of ideas online to find out about dry river beds. We have been busy digging away in the nursery this week to see if we can create our own dry river bed to re-direct our big puddle and make a bit of a feature in this area.
We have also been discovering worms as we do this and rehoming them as we dig them up!
The children have decided that we will need a bridge when we finish and are busy thinking about what design would suit us best!!
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