Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Snow Fun!

We have been enjoying every minute of the 'snow' over the past few days and have been out as often as we could.  Some of us were brave enough to go out in the heavy snow and were trying to catch the huge snowflakes.  We were trying to work out where they were disappearing to after they landed on us. 
Once the snow had settled for a bit we did a lot of investigating with it.  We realised that we could melt it using the water from our water butt.  We could change the colour of it by using the food colouring.  By pushing it into the kitchen containers, we realised that we could mould the snow into different shapes and created our own snow café outside.  Some of us even experimented with mixing the snow and sand for some fabulous slop for our café!   
Inside we made some lovely soft playdough using cornflour and conditioner.  We realised this looked a bit like the snow outside and we even managed to make some snowballs and snowmen with it.
With the amount of wet weather that we have had, our garden is very muddy!  We have been intrigued with our footprints in the mud as well as in the snow this week.  We decided to try out some footprint art in the nursery and what fun we had!  We realised that it was very slippy to do this too and practised some skating at the same time!!

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