Wednesday, 30 September 2015

See my school, Visit my class

We invited our parents to come into nursery to have a play, look around and find out what we like to do when we come to nursery.

We made some banana loaf and lemon drizzle cakes so that the parents could have a nice treat with their tea and coffee.

Baking Banana Loaf

We made some signs to make sure the children didn't go near the hot tea and coffee.

We had fun showing our mum's and dad's all the fun things we get to do at nursery.

We also did some singing and rhymes with our parents before we went home. I think the mum's and dad's were very impressed with our beautiful singing.

Thank you to all the adults who came into visit us, we had lots of fun and hope you come back to play again soon.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

A tour of the nursery

We realise that not everyone has had a chance to have a look around the nursery at all the areas that your child may be playing in.  We wanted to add a quick blog to share with you the different areas so that you can chat with your child about where they are playing at nursery after their sessions.  These areas are all developed and changed alongside the children's interest however, the types of areas remain the same. 
House Corner 
 Arts and Crafts
 Writing area 
Music Corner
 Construction Area
 Small World
 Light and Shadow resources
Water Play
 Sand and Sensory Area
  Science/Investigation area (check here for our pet snails and stick insects!) 
 Quiet/Resting Area
Our Garden
We are very lucky being part of Glaitness School as we have many other areas of the school which we can explore too:
 The Court Yard
 The big playground
 Sensory Room
And usually everyones favourite - Ball Pool!
We will be having a coffee morning soon where we will invite everyone in for a play with their child however in the meantime, please feel free to explore the nursery with your child during the 10 minute pick up at the end of the session to discover what your child's interests have been during their session. 

Friday, 4 September 2015

We have some new pets ...

Here are our new Stick Insects! 

The children have really enjoyed taking them out and watching what they do! We had to be very careful with them as they are living creatures, but we did let them crawl all over ourselves.
We are enjoying learning how to look after them and have been collecting some fresh leaves the help keep them happy and healthy.

We are working on making a floor book all about our interest in bugs! The first couple of pages are on the wall in the nursery if you want to come in and have a look! We were cutting, gluing and sticking our photos yesterday, as well as drawing our own bugs and looking at information books. We will put it all together once we have found out everything that we want to know.

If you have any suggestions for what we could call the stick insects please comment below . . .