Sunday, 29 March 2015

Muddisdale Trip - End of Term 3

We have finished Term 3 with two trips up to Muddisdale for a Spring Treasure Hunt.

The kids were super walking up there, all the way round Muddisdale, and back to school again. It was a bit squelchy on the paths and grass so we're glad we put our wellie boots on. Luckily it stayed dry the whole time we were out. I think we had some peedie tired oot legs by the time we got back!

Morning Trip to Muddisdale

Morning Trip to Muddisdale
We ate up our chocolate nests for snack and watched a d.v.d on  the smart board until home time.

Morning Snack Time 

Afternoon Trip to Muddisdale
Afternoon Trip to Muddisdale  

The parents enjoyed time to have a coffee and a bun when we got back too. Big thank you to all who managed along and helped us out. What a lovely day to end a busy term. Well Done Everyone.

Have a great holiday and we'll see you back for Term 4 on Monday 13th April :-)

Friday, 20 March 2015

Spring Challenge

The children have been challenged to decorate a hard boiled egg or make a model with a Spring theme and take these into nursery before the end of term to share with the other children. Here are photos of some of the creations taken in so far. Well Done they are just super! Loo forward to sharing some more next week... 

Shopping Trip and Outdoor Play

March 2015
Some of our children have been role play shopping in the nursery. Last Friday they went along to the Co-op to buy some things we needed for snack. They are very good at shopping and remembered to pick up everything they were sent to buy. Well Done to all that went along.

There has been lots of fun with the bubbles in the Nursery Garden. We are preparing our garden for Spring Time and are excited to see that the bulbs we planted during Autumn are growing flowers now. Next week we will have a spring clean outside as our bikes and other play equipment are looking very dirty and muddy. Look out for pictures of us helping clean up the garden before the holidays.

Monday, 2 March 2015

World Book Day - Thursday 5th March 2015

Today (Monday) Children have been issued with their World Book Day tokens. When you get your book token, all you need to do is to take it to the Orcadian Book Shop and swap it for one of the ten £1 World Book Day Books available! The three £1 books appropriate for age range 2-5 years are:

More information about tokens, resources and activities are available at World Book Day website.

We have managed to get a copy of the 3 books for the nursery and these are now in the parent waiting area. Please feel free to have a look at them with your children before deciding which one they would like to use their voucher to buy.

We have been working with the Primary 4's and 5's to create a Story Book of our own. They have started by creating and illustrating their characters, and they are going to write short stories using the characters for their book on Thursday. Look out for the exclusive edition of their book which will be on display in the parent waiting area next week.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Obstacle Course Fun

The past few weeks during Hall Time the children have been designing and participating in their own obstacle courses. We have been balancing, jumping, walking, hopping and crawling, over and under various obstacles.  Here are a few photos of them having fun being active indoors: